Abbey LP Tank Campaign
Thank you for your support of the Abbey of the Hills!
The Abbey is a beautiful place and heating the Abbey is one of the largest expenses each year. The Abbey currently leases 4 - 1,000 gallon LP gas tanks that require frequent refueling. By purchasing/installing one 30,000 gallon LP tank and contracting the LP gas at a bulk rate, the potentials savings to the Abbey could be $30,000 or more per year! Therefore a $200,000 "Abbey LP Tank Campaign" has been created.
Would you prayerfully consider this request in helping the Abbey save considerable money - allowing more funding to help all guests "Rediscover Peace" here?
May you continue to “rediscover peace” in your heart, knowing that your gift will carry on in all those people that come to the Abbey searching for that same experience.
Help others rediscover peace at the Abbey of the Hills. Your donation to this 501(c)(3) nonprofit helps fund the ongoing maintenance and operation of the Abbey and its programs. On behalf of the staff and the thousands of families, groups, and individuals who have rediscovered peace and spiritual enrichment at The Abbey of the Hills, thank you for your generosity and charity. To learn more about the Abbey’s service in support of its mission, read “A Case for Rediscovering Peace.” (PDF)
Express your creativity by helping to refresh and refurnish one of 50 rooms. Adopt-a-Room patrons are responsible for the cost and labor of materials and makeovers in the rooms. There are also opportunities to contribute to larger rooms, such as the library and children’s recreation room. Once completed, Adopt-a-Room patrons can dedicate their room to a loved one, friend, or a tribute of their choosing.
The Abbey of the Hills is always in need of items for day-to-day operations. For a list of the Abbey’s current needs, visit the Abbey’s Amazon Wish List and purchase items to be shipped directly to
the Abbey.
The Abbey is in need of a good, used, safe on the highway, Pickup Truck. A great tax benefit for the giver and a gift the Abbey would gratefully appreciate! Contact the Abbey (605) 298-9200 for more details or questions. Thank you!